Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Disaster Management and Information Programme

Disaster Management and Information Programme

Green Movement of Sri Lanka

The Green Movement of Sri Lanka (GMSL) is a consortium of 144 civil society organizations in 22 districts in Sri Lanka, with collaboration from 78 international organizations, universities, and government ministries and UN agencies. The focus of work centres on environmental conservation, effective resource management and sustainable development.

Established in 1998, GMSL is motivated to achieve natural resource based sustainable development through empowerment of the poorest and sustainable livelihoods, focusing on current environmental problems and providing solutions utilizing collective efforts. Activities launched by GMSL with people’s participation envisage the emergence of vibrant, environmentally-friendly communities throughout the island. In 2003 the Executive Board of GMSL expanded its focus by integrating disaster management into the sustainable development activities of the network. Based on this decision and collaboration with the Disaster and Development Centre (DDC) of Northumbria University, United Kingdom, the Disaster Management and Information Programme (DMIP) was established in April 2004 as the disaster management unit of GMSL. The purpose of the Disaster and Development Centre is to develop through research, teaching and learning the knowledge and skills to address hazards, disaster and complex emergencies from the prospective of different development debates and experience. This field of inquiry and associated expertise, by necessity non disciplinary, is guided by the needs of civil society and institutions in addressing vulnerability and disaster response. The DDC explores the association of sustainable development with improved human security through risk reduction, resilience, emergency response systems, and longer term recovery strategies both locally and in an international context. DDC activities include peace building, conflict resolution, infectious decease risk management, labour and reconstruction, livelihood protection, psychosocial programming and trauma treatment projects in Africa and Asia.

Disaster Management and Information Programme (DMIP) is not another project to support to attract funding or support. DMIP aims at establishing a creative space for government agencies, civil society groups, academic institutions and international agencies to strength the coordination of humanitarian emergency mitigation, planning, assistance, management and interventions in Sri Lanka and ensure better preparation for, as well as rapid well-coordinated response to complex humanitarian emergencies and sudden and natural disasters. There are three main objectives to DMIP

1. To establish a national networking group on disaster management and information in Sri Lanka comprising relevant government agencies, civil society groups, academic institutions and international agencies.

2. To conduct disaster information gathering and research, education and training, develop disaster risk management and early warning systems and interventions to respond disasters and provide relief to disaster victims.

3. To formulate, implementation. Monitoring and evaluate policies on disaster management and sustainable development in Sri Lanka.

The disaster risk reduction framework of GMSL invites all the relevant government agencies, civil society groups, academic institutions and international agencies to a common space, which will elaborate the following activity frames

1. Disaster information gathering and research on disaster management and sustainable development

2. Education and training programmes on disaster risk reduction

3. Disaster risk management and early warning

4. Disaster response and relief

5. Policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation


Disaster Management and Information Programme,
Green Movement of Sri Lanka,
No9, 1st Lane,
Wanatha Road, Gangodawila,
Sri Lanka.

Telephone: +94-115-516511 / 4305274
Tel / Fax: +94-112-817156
Email: dmip@greensl.net
Web: www.greensl.net

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